The Spirit and the Bride say,come

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Testimonies for the Church (E.G.W.)

TOP 10 Messages from Testimonies for the Church by E.G.W.

1) Character, character, character-get your heart right with God so that your character reflects His character.

2) You know the truth, you believe the truth, you even love the truth. But the truth hasn't changed you. Let the truth change you.

3) Break free from the entanglements, snares & cares of this world.

4) Prayer-pray,pray,pray.

5) Dig deeper-the Bible is a chain of Truth from Genesis to Revelation-always dig deeper.

6) The most important question the world will ask is that asked by the rich young ruler-"Master, what must I do to be saved?"...You should always be ready to give an answer.

7) Message for the ministers **a) You are the shepherds of the flock-don't let the flock run wild. You are responsible and will be held accountable for the flock.**b) The message to take to the world is to hold up the Lamb that was slain by preaching the science of the cross of salvation more than the dry points of doctrine.

8) Don't beat each other over the head over minor disagreements of minor points of doctrine. BUT hold fast to the major points of Truth and stay free of error and false doctrine.

9) The health message-live it as best as you can.

10) Avoid extremes. Avoid the cold ice of indifferance and the flames of the fire of fanatacism. Avoid extremes.
The children of thy elect sister greet thee. Amen. 2 John 1:13

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