The Spirit and the Bride say,come

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Anne Catherine Emmerich: Catholic Myststic

Anne Catherine Emmerich (1174-1824) was born in Coesfeld, Westphalia (Germany). She was an Augustine nun who suffered the stigmata (which was cinfirmed by several church leaders) and on Good Friday the wounds would reopen. She had many, many visions centered on both the crucifixion and the the virgin Mary. The sick were brought to her and she cured them. She also calims God showed her in vision that the Trinity stretches for infinity from a core, with the Father on the outside, the Son in the middle and the Holy Spirit in the center. She also claims to have been shown souls suffering in purgatory (even thought there is no purgatory) and she would often pray for them. Her vision were recorded by the poet Brentano and later released to the public. Many Catholics at the time viewed her as the "Chosen bride of Christ" (even though His bride is His "people" He returns for). Of interest she claimed that the house of the mother Mary was in Ephesus (rather than Jeruslaem as thought by early Church fathers). At this time Ephesus had not yet been excavated in modern day Turkey. When it was, a house was discovered (1881)and declared to be the house of Mary. Soon after (1891), locals told them there were Christians in the nearby mountains who claim the same.

For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect. Mark 13:22

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